Guest Artist: Laskull
Posted May 23, 2017 at 12:00 am

Hey everyone I'm away for these two weeks so I have a couple beautiful guest artists lined up!

First up is Laskull! We're former classmates and no one does lineless sparky cuties like they do.

Laskull's webcomic, The Fairy Tale Dead, is about the princess Ivy whose kingdom has been stolen and her journey to save her parents and her land.

Ivy teams up with Snow White, a ghost in an apple, that she gets from a hot hot sea witch while trying to find a solution to her problem. Their sense of color, lineless style, and use of negative space and black shapes is incredible!

Thanks so much for this piece, Laskull!! You made the dream sim suits look so dang cool!

See you next week, thanks for reading!

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